Health and Safety Training

Courses tagged with "Health and Safety Training"

This online training will discuss Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the behaviors that increase the risk of SIDS, safe sleeping habits, licensing standards, and resources to help you reduce the risk of SIDS for infants in your care.  

Contact Hours: 1 hour     Gateways Content Areas: HSW - Health, Safety, and Well-being (1 hour)     CDA Content Areas: 1 - Health and Safety (1 hour)

This online instruction will discuss the signs, symptoms, causes, triggers, prevention, and long-term effects of Shake Syndrome and traumatic brain injury. Successful completion of this training meets DCFS pre-service requirements for the Home Care Provider License application. Licensed providers will receive hours of training for renewal of the license.

Contact Hours: 1 hour     Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)     CDA Content Areas: 1 (1 hour)

Esta instrucción en línea discutirá los signos, los síntomas, las causas, los disparadores, la prevención y efectos a largo plazo de Bebé Síndrome Sacudido y lesión cerebral traumática. La completacion exitosa de este entrenamiento cumple con los requisitos de pre-servicio de DCFS para la aplicación de la Licencia para Proveedoras de Cuidado en El Hogar. Proveedoras con Licencia recibirán horas de entrenamiento para la renovación de la licencia.

Contact Hours: 1 hour     Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)     CDA Content Areas: 1 (1hour)

Trauma-Informed Practice for Child Care Providers explores concepts in a variety of areas including infant/early childhood mental health, social emotional development of young children, and trauma and adverse childhood experiences. You will look at indicators and benchmarks and ways to foster social emotional learning  in culturally responsive ways. This training meets the DCFS requirement for trauma-informed care.

Contact Hours: 2 hours    Gateways Content Areas: HSW (2 hours)   CDA Content Areas:  Health & Safety (1 hour) and Social/Emotional (1 hour)


This course provides a brief overview of lead contamination and the harmful effects of lead exposure. Illinois state requirements for lead in water testing are discussed along with the procedures for testing and developing a mitigation plan. This training meets the Illinois DCFS licensing training requirement for the testing of lead in water.

Contact Hours: 1   Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)  CDA Hours: HS (1 hour)

Este curso proporciona una breve visión general de la contaminación por plomo y los efectos nocivos de la exposición al plomo. Los requisitos del estado de Illinois para el plomo en las pruebas de agua se discuten junto con los procedimientos para probar y desarrollar un plan de mitigación. Esta capacitación cumple con el requisito de capacitación de renovación de licencias de DCFS de Illinois para la prueba de plomo en el agua.

Horas de contacto: 1 horas     Áreas de contenido de Gateways: HSW (1 horas)     Áreas de contenido de CDA: HS (8 horas)

This course provides information on caring for children with special needs in typical child care settings. The training helps increase the knowledge and comfort level of participants to enhance their ability to care for young children with disabilities in early childhood environments. It will discuss adaptations and modifications that will assist all children to participate in activities. This meets the DCFS requirement for early childhood providers in special care inclusion training. The course will provide 7 contact hours and/or 1/2 Gateways credential point.

Contact Hours: 7 hours     Gateways Content Areas: IRE (7 hours)     CDA Content Areas: 8 (7 hours)    ECE Competency Area: IRE4

Este curso proporciona información sobre el cuidado de niños con necesidades especiales en entornos típicos de cuidado infantil. La capacitación ayuda a aumentar el nivel de conocimientos y comodidad de los participantes para mejorar su capacidad de cuidar a los niños pequeños con discapacidades en entornos de primera infancia. Discutirá adaptaciones y modificaciones que ayudarán a todos los niños a participar en actividades. Esto cumple con el requisito de DCFS para los proveedores de atención temprana en la capacitación para la inclusión de cuidados especiales.

Horas de contacto: 7 horas     Áreas de contenido de Gateways: IRE (7 horas)     Áreas de contenido de CDA: 8 (7 horas)    Área de competencia de ECE: IRE4

This training will provide participants an overview of child development, health, and safety issues for children birth through early school-age. Emphasis will be on understanding patterns of development, developmental domains, and the role of nutrition in development. In addition, health and safety issues will address supporting the growth of healthy children - from the basics such as handwashing to more in-depth practices surrounding healthy procedures and disease prevention. Participants will learn more about emergency planning/preparedness and first aid as well as identify tips for maintaining safe indoor/outdoor environments.

Contact Hours:  3 hours   Gateways Content Areas: HGD (1.5 hrs) HSW (1.5 hrs)  CDA Content Areas: 1 (1.5 hrs) 8 (1.5 hrs)

In this training, participants will identify State and Federal licensing standards, requirements and supports regarding emergency preparedness, including those related to fire, weather, toxins, and community violence. This training offers assistance in outlining appropriate program policies and procedures that address the four stages of emergency preparedness. Participants will also be able to demonstrate the use of available tools and resources when developing an emergency preparedness plan.

Contact Hours: 1 hour     Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)     CDA Content Areas: 1 (1 hour)

En esta capacitación, los participantes identificarán los estándares estatales y federales de licencias, requisitos y apoyos sobre la preparación de emergencias, incluyendo los que implican incendio, el clima, químicos peligrosos y violencia de la comunidad. Esta capacitación ofrece asistencia en desarrollando un programa adecuado de políticas y procedimientos que abordar las cuatro etapas de la preparación para emergencias. Los participantes también podrán demostrar el uso de herramientas y recursos disponibles cuando desarrollen un plan para emergencias.

Horas de contacto: 1 hora          Gateways áreas de contenido: B (1 hora)          CDA áreas de contenido: HS (1 hora)

Healthy Starts: Understanding Childhood Chronic Disease will introduce you to the issue of chronic disease, how and why chronic diseases affect young children, and how you can help prevent chronic diseases by supporting children's healthy eating and physical activity habits. We will explore topics such as childhood obesity, healthy inequity, and food deserts. This training is supported in part with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Contact Hours: 1   Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)  CDA Hours: 1 (1 hour)

Comienzo Saludables: Comprender las enfermedades crónicas infantiles le presentará el tema de las enfermedades crónicas, cómo y por qué las enfermedades crónicas afectan a los niños pequeños y cómo puede ayudar a prevenir las enfermedades crónicas apoyando los hábitos saludables de alimentación y actividad física de los niños.  Exploraremos temas como la obesidad infantil, la desigualdad saludable y los desiertos alimentarios.  Esta capacitación está financiada en parte con fondos de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.

Contact Hours: 1   Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)  CDA Hours: 1 (1 hour)

This training will help child care providers understand how to create chest/breastfeeding-friendly policies and environments that align with state and federal laws, Illinois licensing standards, and best practice.  This one-hour self-paced training will cover the basics on why it’s important for childcare providers to support chest/breastfeeding, how to develop policies and spaces on site that support families, and how to equitably communicate with families about these practices. The training will include links to many tools and resources that support you in these efforts!

Developed by the Illinois Public Health Institute with support from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Illinois Department of Public Health, Office of Women's Health.

Contact Hours: 1 hour   Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour)   CDA Hours: 1 Health and Safety (1 hour)

Este curso de capacitación ayudará a los proveedores de cuidado infantil a comprender cómo crear políticas y entornos amistosos con dar el pecho y la lactancia materna que se alineen con las leyes estatales y federales, los estándares de licencias de Illinois y las mejores prácticas.Esta capacitación a su propio ritmo de una hora cubrirá los conceptos básicos sobre por qué es importante que los proveedores de cuidado infantil apoyen dar el pecho y la lactancia materna, cómo desarrollar políticas y espacios en el centro que apoyen a las familias y cómo comunicarse equitativamente con las familias sobre estas prácticas. La capacitación incluirá enlaces a muchas herramientas y recursos que lo apoyarán en estos esfuerzos.

Desarrollado por el Illinois Public Health Institute con el apoyo de los Centers for Disease Control & Prevention y el Illinois Department of Public Health, Oficina de Salud de la Mujer.

Horas de contacto: 1 hora  Áreas de contenido de Gateways: HSW (1 hora)   Horas CDA: 1 Salud y seguridad (1 hora)

Introduction to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a training made specifically for family and group home day care providers. The CACFP is an important program that helps ensure children are eating nutritious foods and developing habits to support lifelong nutrition. This training consists of three modules. Module 1 will go over the basics of the program: the “who, what, when, where, why and how.” Module 2 will cover how to get involved in the program and what you can expect when you start participating. Module 3 is all about how to get the maximum benefits out of participating. Participants will have access to helpful resources and links to support their participation in the food program.

This training was developed by the Illinois Public Health Institute with support from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Illinois Department of Public Health.

Contact Hours: 1 hour   Gateways Content Areas: Health, Safety, and Well-Being (HSW): 1 hour   CDA Hours: CDA 1 - Health and Safety: 1 hour

Asthma Management for child care providers is Respiratory Health Association's free training for caregivers of young children with documented or presumed asthma. In this training, RHA educated child care providers on how to best care for a child living with asthma.

Topics include:

  • Identifying a child having trouble with asthma
  • Early asthma warning signs
  • Trigger avoidance strategies
  • Asthma medication policies
  • Asthma emergency response in a child care setting

Contact Hours: 2 hours          Gateways Content Area: HSW (2 hours)          CDA Content Area: 1 (2 hours)   

Manejo del asma para proveedores de cuidado infantil es la capacitación gratuita de la Asociación de Salud Respiratoria para cuidadores de niños pequeños con asma documentada o presunta. En este curso de capacitación, RHA educa a los proveedores de cuidado infantil sobre cómo cuidar mejor a un niño que vive con asma.

Entre los temas tenemos:
Identificar a un niño que tiene problemas con el asma
Señales de advertencia tempranas de asma
Estrategias de evitación de desencadenantes
Políticas de medicamentos para el asma
Respuesta de emergencia al asma en un entorno de cuidado infantil

Horas de contacto: 2 horas     Áreas de contenido de Gateways: HSW (2 horas)      Área de contenido CDA: 1 (2 horas)   

Breastfeeding University was created with child care providers in mind. Each module provides evidence-based, up-to-date information from an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, lactation consultants, public health professionals, ECE professionals and La Leche League leaders. The interactive modules will help to establish a working knowledge of how to support families to meet their breastfeeding goals. This training was developed by the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute, part of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and is provided in Illinois through an agreement with INCCRRA and the Illinois Public Health Institute.

Contact Hours: 2   Gateways Content Areas: HSW (1 hour) and FCR (1 hour)  CDA Hours: 1 (1 hour) and 4 (1 hour)