The Early Math Counts training program is a series of eight courses focusing on early math content and application in settings that provide care and education for young children. The Introduction will provide you with information regarding the importance early math skills and knowledge for young children, an overview of the major content areas in early math and an orientation to the Early Math Counts Professional Development series, as well as a tour of the many resources available on the Early Math Counts site.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)
Making Sense of Number Sense is the second course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. Please make sure to take the orientation course before taking this 2nd course in the series. The development of strong skills associated with this broad concept is indicative of later mathematical achievement as well as later success in school. Much of what we will cover in this module is foundational and is used in other mathematical areas. As you move through the rest of the Math at Home modules, you will see how Number Sense informs other broad mathematical concepts.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program course before you take this course:Course 1: Introduction
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Patterns is the third course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. Understanding patterns is a foundational skill for developing algebraic thinking.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Shapes and Spaces is the fourth course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. This course focuses on the math concept of geometry.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program courses before you take this course:
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Course 3: Patterns
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Measure for Measure is the fifth course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. This course focuses on measurement, which is a mathematical skill that children will use nearly everyday of their lives.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program courses before you take this course:
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Course 3: Patterns
Course 4: Shapes and Spaces
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Data Collection and Analysis is the sixth course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. As you move through this module you will see how natural and appropriate it is for young children to ask questions that can be answered via data collection. Once you see all of the possibilities relative to this broad concept, you will be amazed at how engaging and thought-provoking this is for even very young children.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program MATH courses before you take this course:
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Course 3: Patterns
Course 4: Shapes and Spaces
Course 5: Measure for Measure
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Math Processes is the seventh course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. If you completed the previous courses, you are now familiar with early math content areas, such as number, patterns, geometry, measurement, and data analysis. The processes of mathematics go hand in hand with the content areas and are critical to young children and their understandings of mathematics.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program courses before you take this course:
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Course 3: Patterns
Course 4: Shapes and Spaces
Course 5: Measure for Measure
Course 6: Data Collection and Analysis
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)

Environments is the eighth course in an eight-part series designed to support math competencies in teachers of young children. Understanding how to recognize and create a math rich environment is key to creating successful math experiences for children.
This training provides 1 contact hour of Gateways Registry-Approved training and 1 Continuing Professional Development Unit (CPDU).
Please make sure to take the following Early Math Counts Professional Development Program MATH courses before you take this course:
Course 2: Making Sense of Number Sense
Course 3: Patterns
Course 4: Shapes and Spaces
Course 5: Measure for Measure
Course 6: Data Collection and Analysis
Course 7: Math Processes
Contact Hours: 1 hour Gateways Content Areas: CPD (1 hour) CDA Content Areas: PI (1 hour)