This course is part of a larger series of sessions that combine to make up the Orientation to the Illinois Model of Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC). There are four sections to this course that must be complete prior to the start of the live zoom sessions:
- Vignette Assessment (assesses the familiarity with the competencies in the Illinois Model of I/ECMHC and an individual plan on how to increase knowledge of those competencies)
- Introduction to the Illinois Model of I/ECMHC
- Introduction to the Pyramid Model
- Community Systems Partnerships & Early Childhood Systems.
It is estimated to take approximately 3-4 hours to complete this online course.
All portions of the Orientation to the Illinois Model must be finished (this online course and all live Zoom sessions) for full credit of completion to be given.
Contact Hours: 4 hours Gateways Content Areas: PPD (4 hours) CDA Content Areas: PRO(4)